
Users can spend MNB to upgrade the efficiency of their virtual GPUs resulting in the power costs been reduced dramatically. Power costs are calculated on an MNB mined per block basis and with each efficiency level upgrade, the discount applied to power costs is increased.

For example: a base level GPU with no upgrade to efficiency will pay 50% of mined MNB in power costs, a GPU with level 1 efficiency will pay 25% of mined MNB, a GPU with level 2 efficiency will pay 20% of mined MNB, a GPU with level 3 efficiency will pay 15% of mined MNB & a GPU with level 4 efficiency will pay 10% of mined MNB. The chance of rolling each multiplier level is as follows: Level 1 50%, Level 2 30%, Level 3 15%, Level 4 5%. Efficiency upgrades are applied with varying durations, from 1 month all the way to being permanent. The chances of rolling each available duration are as follows: 1 month 80%, 3 months 10%, 6 months 5%, 12 months 4% & permanent 1%.

Last updated